Deportes Telediario on Telemundo 43 out of Ft Myers/Naples featured Naples Futsal. A affiliate of United States Adult Futsal and United States Youth Futsal. Going over the finals as Ecuador defeated Atletico Peru in the finals of Naples Futsal Premier A in the Men's Division. Plus covering more. See the video which is 2:04 into the video. Video is in Spanish.
Link To Video From Start of Discussing Naples Futsal

A Big Soccer fan who is involved with United States Youth Futsal and United States Adult Futsal. I produce Futsal Video's and I am in charge of their social media. Futsal is FIFA's official indoor soccer game which is, essentially, a scaled down version of outdoor soccer played indoors. It is a small sided game (5v5) played on a smaller field (roughly basketball court sized) with a smaller (size 3-4) ball. Futsal is played with touchline boundaries. There are no walls in play.