Join New Mexico's Premier Futsal League. Albuquerque Super F League. The Summer Futsal Season begins the first week of June and last through the last week of July. Last week of July is the Copa Verao Tournament. The winner of each division wins a beautiful trophy. You can reigster On-Line at and follow the registration link.
About Futsal: The Game: Futsal is FIFA's official indoor soccer game which is, essentially, a scaled down version of outdoor soccer played indoors. It is a small sided game (5v5) played on a smaller field (roughly basketball court sized) with a smaller (size 3-4) ball. Futsal is played with touchline boundaries. There are no walls in play. Futsal developes better skills and promotes quality touches. Super F League quotes "A small field with lines puts players constantly under pressure from other players and out-of-play boundaries. Players must learn to settle the ball rapidly, cut sharply, shield effectively, pass quickly and move into space". Futsal places a greater premium on ball control.
The League: Albuquerque Super F League LLC is the only USSF ( U.S. Soccer Federation) sanctioned indoor soccer league in New Mexico. The USSF, is not just a self proclaimed federation. They have been granted this position by the highest of soccer authority, FIFA. Currently the Youth Division is in full swing. The future of Futsal. Soon there will also be more age groups including adult men's and women's divisions. The adult division will be a higher level than the other futsal league here in town. The super f league is ran by soccer players bringing in high level adult mens and womens teams. Other futsal league have too many young teen teams to make it competitive. We will have the top mens players in town, offering a great mens division. Nationally Super F League is United States fastest growing Futsal Organization. 2008 Super F League saw a huge growth with several new local league's including Albuquerque Super F League. For more information on Albuquerque Super F League go to To visite Super F League and find a Super F League near you go to To find out the Annual Futsal Nationals Super F Champions Cup go to

A Big Soccer fan who is involved with United States Youth Futsal and United States Adult Futsal. I produce Futsal Video's and I am in charge of their social media. Futsal is FIFA's official indoor soccer game which is, essentially, a scaled down version of outdoor soccer played indoors. It is a small sided game (5v5) played on a smaller field (roughly basketball court sized) with a smaller (size 3-4) ball. Futsal is played with touchline boundaries. There are no walls in play.