A Big Soccer fan who is involved with United States Youth Futsal and United States Adult Futsal. I produce Futsal Video's and I am in charge of their social media. Futsal is FIFA's official indoor soccer game which is, essentially, a scaled down version of outdoor soccer played indoors. It is a small sided game (5v5) played on a smaller field (roughly basketball court sized) with a smaller (size 3-4) ball. Futsal is played with touchline boundaries. There are no walls in play.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
New Albuquerque Super F League Futsal Video's.
U13/U12 Girls Futsal Video For December 21, 2008. Regular Winter Season Matches.
U13/U12 Boys Futsal Video for December 20, 2008. Regular Winter Season Matches.
Three more regular season matches.
Copa Inverno will be the weekend of January 24, 2009.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Both Guys and Gals Futsal Video to be posted tomorrow
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
More updates New Futsal Video's Coming
- The U13/12 Boys Futsal Video will be posted by Friday Evening. December 26. Some great plays.
- The U13/12 Ladies Futsal Video should be posted by Sunday Evening. Great Futsal Skills. Great passing and defensive skills.
- More updates coming regarding the U10 Division Video. Our U10 Champs are smoken.
Merry Christmas.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
More Albuquerque Super F League Futsal Video's coming within a week.
The U12 and U13 Boys should be posted by this weekend.
The U12 and U13 Ladies should be posted late this weekend.
I am battling a flu which has slowed the progress down.
I will also have the U10 Division posted by year end as well.
Three more Futsal Video's will go on line before year end.
You can count on lot's of new Futsal Video's through out 2009.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas Futsal Video
Merry Christmas! My Various Futsal Video's of Albuquerque Super F League
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Wow! Russia wins the UEFA U21 Futsal Tournament
I sure wish US had more Futsal Coverage which is pretty much does not exist here. It makes me want to create more Futsal Video's and more coverage to get the word out and show how exciting Futsal is.
Boys U12 Futsal Video Posted
Saturday, December 13, 2008
New U13/U12 Ladies Futsal Video
Here is the latest Video with more to come. This was last Saturday's U13 and U12 Lady Futsal Games. Albuquerque Super F League.
Boys U12 will be posted in a couple of days. Need to download and edit.
Friday, December 12, 2008
New Futsal Video's-Albuquerque Super F League Coming
UEFA U21 Futsal Final is Set!-Italy vs. Russia
God bless Futsal. I love Futsal.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
UEFA U21 Futsal Tournament
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Albuquerque Super F League-Exciting Start
Two weeks under our belts. The level of Futsal has really elevated. Some very good and exciting new teams. Our last Summer Futsal Teams are doing very well as their futsal experience is really showing on the court.
This week we had our defending U12 Male Champions playing against a bigger U13 team which placed very well in the outdoor Soccer League. The game ended in a exciting draw. Big team with exciting futsal skills against a smaller, very quick with speed and great passing which resulted in a draw. Both were winners. We will see another great U13 team for the first time next week after competing in Dallas. Hopefully the did well in Dallas. This Male Division will be very exciting with some very skilled teams.
U12/13: Four very good and exciting teams with quickness, skill and very determined. Two teams have two wins and two teams have two losses. The two teams with the two losses are still very good. They lost to a bigger and year older team. One team only had 5 players with no bench today and stayed with them through out most of the game. They lost a bit of steam (still fought very hard) towards the end as the 5 players played all 40 minutes. The other team (which is the strongest so far) had depth on the bench and wore out the smaller but very determined team. All four teams in the U12/13 Division should be very proud of them selves so far. They have a great future in Futsal. As good as they are right now, I am very confident they will get even better. By season end, we will have 4 very outstanding Female Futsal Teams. They should be proud.
Albuquerque Super F League is very proud of our 16 teams. We are looking forward to them being part of our exciting league. Stay tuned for photos and Video highlights through out this Winter Futsal Season.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Countdown to our Futsal Season-Albuquerque Super F League
Many teams have registered with days to go yet. Albuquerque Super F League will have a great season this Winter. You can count on new Futsal Video's. More to be submitted to Gol TV's Soccer Cam. Watch out. Futsal is coming.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Albuquerque Super F League Registration Deadline November 3
Spaces are filling up fast and space is limited. I highly recommend registering for our exciting league today. Albuquerque Super F League is New Mexico's Premier Futsal League. We play at the beautiful state of the art JCC on Wyoming between Spain and Academy.
Albuquerque JCC's Gymnasium offers the premier futsal facility in New Mexico. Bleacher seating, on the side of the court, offers fans a great view while keeping them safe. The floor is state of the art Sports Flooring for low impact and safety. The JCC facility provides clean restrooms, small cafe, and AC/Heating for futsal participants. 5520 WYOMING BLVD NE. (WYOMING SOUTH OF ACADEMY)
The League: Albuquerque Super F League LLC is the only USSF ( U.S. Soccer Federation) sanctioned indoor soccer league in New Mexico. The USSF, is not just a self proclaimed federation. They have been granted this position by the highest of soccer authority, FIFA. Currently the Youth Division is in full swing. The future of Futsal. Soon there will also be more age groups including adult men's and women's divisions. The adult division will be a higher level than the other futsal league here in town. The super f league is ran by soccer players bringing in high level adult men's and women's teams. Other futsal league have too many young teen teams to make it competitive. We will have the top men's players in town, offering a great men's division. Nationally, Super F League is the fastest growing Futsal Organization in the Country
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Congratulations Brazil-Champion 2008 FIFA Futsal World Cup!
Now it is time to prepare for the next World Cup in 4 years. US and other nations need to learn from this experience and build on it. US needs to build a solid Futsal program. From the Youth to the Adults. I am very disappointed on how US Media has covered the sport. Tape delayed coverage which was broadcast (in the most part) very late. Very little promotion on the Futsal World Cup. US Soccer Federation needs to push the game of Futsal much harder. I know Futsal can succeed in many levels in the US if given chance. I feel as though if we do not win something, we do not promote the sport. US in previous years has done well this time they had a very poor showing. Playing 10-15 games in a year will not cut it. Many nations have league's which they play over 100 games in a year. I stated before "Futsal should become a High School and College Sport". Plus in the future, Futsal would make a great Winter Sport during MLS and USSL off season. Maybe it is something MLS and USSL should get involved more. USSL does have a partnership with Super F League. See link to article: http://www.superfleague.com/affiliatedleagues/newstext.php?newsid=77&id=42 . According to one article, Iran maybe the next host of FIFA Futsal World Cup 2012.
Super F league's Website States "Futsal is FIFA's official indoor soccer game which is, essentially, a scaled down version of outdoor soccer played indoors. It is a small sided game (5v5) played on a smaller field (roughly basketball court sized) with a smaller (size 3-4) ball. Futsal is played with touchline boundaries. There are no walls in play. Futsal develops better skills and promotes quality touches. Super F League quotes "A small field with lines puts players constantly under pressure from other players and out-of-play boundaries. Players must learn to settle the ball rapidly, cut sharply, shield effectively, pass quickly and move into space". Futsal places a greater premium on ball control".
I have read there is a bid to bring Futsal to 2012 Olympics which would be great. More to follow on that subject.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Congratulations Italy winning Bronze-2008 FIFA Futsal World Cup
Now tomorrow it is the big game. Brazil vs. Spain. Two of the best. The only two teams that have ever won the FIFA Futsal World Cup. Brazil the first three, Spain the last two. Tomorrow, winner takes all. The Big Prize. Tomorrow a team will be crowned 2008 FIFA Futsal World Cup Champion. It will be sweet. You can count on Brazil having a strong attack. We will see if Spain's defense can shut down Brazil's tough attack. We will see if Spain will make it three in a row or Brazil will reclaim the big prize.
My pick: Brazil 2008 FIFA Futsal World Cup Champions. Who knows. We will know tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Register Now! Albuquerque Super F League Futsal!
Albuquerque Super F League is almost full. Join the huge fun and register now While space is available. Welcome to New Mexico's Premier Futsal League. You can still register your team On Line at http://albuquerque.superfleague.com. If you wish to join our league but are not part of the team. e-mail us at info@albuquerque.superfleague.com We still welcome you and will find you a spot. Stay tuned for more updates.
We are so excited about this upcoming Season. We are in very a very exciting Futsal Season.
Futsal World Cup is heading to Semi Finals
Four fine teams but one champion.
I will pick Brazil to beat Russia and Spain to squeek by Italy.
Many teams have struggled up to this point but now, we have four fine teams.
With Brazil's attack and home field, I still will pick Brazil to win it all.
The Semi Finals will be played on October 16.
It should be very exciting.
Gateway Futsal-St. Louis Super F League
U17 Boys! Premier Futsal in the St. Louis Area.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Futsal World Cup Continue
Iran vs. Italy: Iran is better than I thought. Italy is good but they do not move the ball around as quickly as years past. I think Italy will squeak this one out.
Argentina vs. Russia; Argentina will win this one.
Paraguay vs. Spain: Spain the defending champs will win this match. Paraguay has not looked that great but qualified for the second round. Paraguay will fight hard.
Futsal depends on how you move the ball, pass, attack and of course score goals. Plus how well you defend.
Brazil and Spain so far have qualified to the final four which is no surprise to me. The other two teams will be determined on October 14. The semi finals are October 16.
Third place is on October 18 and the Championship is on October 19 in Rio de Jarneiro.
I love Futsal!!!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Futsal World Cup Update
It's down to Brasil, Italy, Spain, Argentina, Ukraine, Iran, Russia and Paraguay.
Brasil had a close one with Iran but I still feel they will win it all.
Italy and Spain will be tough as well. Italy does not move the ball around as quickly as they use to but they are still good. I think Iran is better than I originally thought.
I wish I get Galavision or any channels that cover Futsal World Cup. I would love to watch this very exciting tournament even though the quality of teams is down this time around. I don't care, I would just love to see Futsal.
I am praying some day Futsal is a major sport here in the US.
I would love to see Futsal in all levels not only in the US but world. The world is far ahead of us.
US played poorly in this World Cup. Many teams have league's which they play 100-120 games a year but US only plays 10 or so matches. US is going to fall behind if they do not push for more Futsal in the US. From the Youth League's, High School, Yes even college and develop a Pro Futsal League. That would be so awsome. The level of Futsal and Soccer will really rise. I think Futsal can really make some noise in the US. It will not be to the level of NBA, NFL and so on but I think if we had a Pro Futsal League here, it would work. Maybe the winter months would be the best. Futsal can really develop a Soccer players game. Imrove passing, create nice touches and more.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Huge overwhelming interest in this Winter Season-Albuquerque Super F League
You can still register your team on line at http://albuquerque.superfleague.com. If you wish to join our league but are not part of the team. e-mail us at info@albuquerque.superfleague.com
We still welcome you and will find you a spot.
Stay tuned for more updates.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Futsal World Cup continued
I expected Uruguay to beat Libya but they drew as well.
Brasil vs. Solomon Islands: I knew this was going to be a beating but 21-0. Ouch. Brasil gave some serious Futsal lessons to Solomon Islands. I feel sorry for Solomon Islands. I hope they can regain the confidence after two beatings.
I didn't expect US to make it out of the group but it is disappointing to see the results. Young Futsal Team. Lack of professional Futsal Experience. USA's next game is against Thailand. It is US's only chance but it will be very tough.
I am disappointed in lack of Futsal coverage. It is tape delayed on Galavision which I do not receive. Futsal is a very exciting fun sport to watch. Futsal needs more respect. Futsal really develops soccer skills as I have seen great improvements in passing and better touches on the ball. Futsal is a sport for all ages. I highly recommend start Futsal at a very young age. It could develop their Futsal and Soccer Skills to a high level.
I did see some Futsal World Cup highlights on Gol TV News. I noticed some of the passing was not pretty. Some lack of defending as well. I have seen much better level of competition than what I saw in the highlights. I have to agree with someone. It will be between Spain, Brasil or Italy. I strongly believe Brasil will when the who thing if they continue to play the level they are capable of.
Joga Bonito!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Futsal World Cup is on
The 2008 Futsal World Cup has kicked off. It was a blow out day.
- USA is tought the game of Futsal by Paraguay.
- Brazil gave a hard lesson to Japan.
- Cuba. Wow, really poored it on againts Solomon Islands.
- Italy squeeked by Thailand.
It will be a tough task for USA. Some nations have professional Futsal Teams. USA does not. USA has played around 10 games the past month. Nations with Professional Futsal Teams plays around 120 a year. USA needs Futsal in High School, College and Pro League. Winter would be a nice team in my opinion.
Looking forward to my Futsal World Cup. Let the Futsal Games Begin.
I can't wait until our Albuquerque Super F League begins. Registration is open and you can register on line at http://albuquerque.superfleague.com/.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Wow! Our Video Shown on Gol TV's Soccer Cam
Anyway, see the clip submitted below. Gol TV re-edited the video for their program which they did a great job. Thank you Gol TV for showing our video. I will submit more very soon.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Registration for Albuquerque Super F League Has Begun
Our league is in a state of the art JCC with bleachers, low impact floor for everyone's safety.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Albuquerque Super F League's Winter Registration starts October
The League: Albuquerque Super F League LLC is the only USSF ( U.S. Soccer Federation) sanctioned indoor soccer league in New Mexico. The USSF, is not just a self proclaimed federation. They have been granted this position by the highest of soccer authority, FIFA.
This will be a very exciting season as we will have several division (age groups and genders).
When the registration begins, I highly recommend to register early as space availability is limited.
Stay tuned for more updates. Plus check the Albuquerque Super F League's website. The link is http://albuquerque.superfleague.com
Introducing a Brand New Website
http://futsalalbuquerque.com. It mostly focus's on the World of Futsal. There are future plans to include Soccer Video's and Photos as well. I will mostly focus on Albuquerque's Super F League. Already I have Video and Photo Highlights of some scrimmages and Matches.
More to come. There is still a little bit of work to do but it is available for your enjoyment.
You will feel my passion for the Sport of Futsal and Soccer. From The Video's, Photos, Blogs, possible Podcast and more. The new site will feature the World of Futsal in a Multimedia Presentation. Plus Soccer!
Enjoy the Brand New and Exciting Site!
Friday, August 29, 2008
What if Futsal became a High School & College Sport?
Better yet, Professional Sport?
Futsal develops great Soccer Skills. No walls to play, game has speed and develops good passing skills. Click on link to learn all about Futsal.
World Greatest Soccer Starts such as Pele, Zico, Robinho and others grew up playing Futsal.
They credit their success playing Futsal.
I think during the Winter Months, if Futsal was a official Sport, it would elevate Soccer in the US. It would raise the level of their play. It's not because they are playing Futsal instead of stuffing their faces with Turkey and Holiday Treats. Because the sport is a great skill developer, demanding quick reflexes, fast thinking, pin-point passing, and a four-second limit on all play restarts it is an exciting game for children as well as adults. I strongly feel High School Athletics and NCAA needs to take a strong look of the beautiful game of Futsal.
I also strongly believe fans would love it as well. It is a fast pace sport.
It is so much fun to watch and play.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Futsal Thoughts-
Futsal is FIFA's official indoor soccer game which is, essentially, a scaled down version of outdoor soccer played indoors. It is a small sided game (5v5) played on a smaller field (roughly basketball court sized) with a smaller (size 3-4) ball. Futsal is played with touchline boundaries. There are no walls in play. It developes great Soccer skills. The game is fast and very exciting. I think Futsal would be a perfect sport for the Olympics. The world loves Soccer. Futsal is on hard surface, there are no offsides which can result in some beautiful fast breaks. You not only need to have skill, you need speed and good precise strikes.
Futsal would be a perfect sport for the Olympics. The committee needs to take a hard look at some of the current events and take a good look at Futsal. Futsal would be so much better than some of the sports that are featured in the Olympics. The World is missing something that is beautiful, fast and fun to watch. The Futsal World Cup is coming up in Brasil. Starting September 30.
If you need proof Futsal should be part of the Olympics, see video below and more.
Friday, August 8, 2008
U12 Final (Copa Verao) Albuquerque Super League Posted
Great Futsal Game.
Enjoy the highlights.
Winter Season and Copa Inverno (Winter Cup)
November 2008 thru January 2009
U8 thru Adult Divisions-Registration begins in October
Spaces Limited-Register early
Thursday, August 7, 2008
U 12 Championship Video-Copa Verao Albuquerque Super F League
Speaking of which, I need to get off the computer.
Stay tuned.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Albuquerque Super F League Summer Cup Semi U 12 Final
Albuquerque Super F League thanks everyone for their support.
Stay tuned for the U12 championship Final of Albuquerque's Super F League's Summer Cup.
2008 Copa Verao
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Albuquerque Super F League U10 Copa Verao Championship
Copa Verao 2008
Summer Cup 2008.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Albuquerque Super F League Summer Cup-Futsal This weekend

The League Albuquerque Super F League LLC is the only USSF ( U.S. Soccer Federation) sanctioned indoor soccer league in New Mexico. The USSF, is not just a self proclaimed federation. They have been granted this position by the highest of soccer authority, FIFA. Currently the Youth Division is in full swing. The future of Futsal. Soon there will also be more age groups including adult men's and women's divisions. The adult division will be a higher level than the other futsal league here in town. The super f league is ran by soccer players bringing in high level adult mens and womens teams. Other futsal league have too many young teen teams to make it competitive. We will have the top mens players in town, offering a great mens division.
Nationally, Super F League is the fastest growing Futsal Organization in the Country.
Monday, July 14, 2008
New Futsal Video-U12 Albuquerque Super F League
I love Futsal!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
More About Albuquerque's Super F League (Futsal)
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Congratulations USA for qualifying for Futsal World Cup 2008 in Brazil!
Goool USA! The World Cup is from September 30 through October 19.
I sure hope there is good coverage in the US for Futsal World Cup. Please.
When you join Super F League, a portion of your USSF fee's helps support the US National Teams.
Also congratulations to Solomon Islands for winning their Oceania championship. They will represent the Oceania Confederations for Futsal World Cup 2008 in Brazil. http://www.oceaniafootball.com/
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Here is the best of our Preseason practices for Albuquerque Super F League
Stay tuned for more video highlights of Albuquerque's Super F League. The Real matches have begun.
Albuquerque Super F League LLC is the only USSF ( U.S. Soccer Federation) sanctioned indoor soccer league in New Mexico. The USSF, is not just a self proclaimed federation. They have been granted this position by the highest of soccer authority, FIFA.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Super F League's National Championship February 2009
Teams whom win their respective national divisions technically qualify for international tournaments.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Want to see some real good Futsal
First Game of a New League
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Welcome to the World of Futsal
Recently I was introduced to a game of Futsal.
Futsal is a scaled back version of outdoor soccer played indoors. Small sided game, played mostly on basketball courts. 5x5 and the ball is a little heavier and smaller. Size 3-4. There are no walls to play and there are out of bounce. It developes good soccer skills. Game is a little faster as well. Lot's of fun to watch and play. I love the game so much, I joined Albuquerque's Super F Leauge. For more details regarding this exciting sport and league go to http://albuquerque.superfleague.com/.
See video below for details.